35 Tips to Make Moving Easier

35 Tips to Make Moving Easier

Are you planning to move in the near future? You may have just bought your dream house or you are moving to take advantage of the trend of remote work. However, you probably want to strategize on how to make moving easier this time.

If you are selling your home, don’t forget that your real estate agent can be a huge asset. They have helped numerous people sell their homes and have experience giving advice. You can use these moving hacks for your next move. Let’s get comfortable and see how many you can implement.

Before the big day

1. Edit your items before moving

Experts in home organization agree that removing anything you don’t need or want is a great way to begin your move. If you do this first, you will save a lot of time and money by not having to pack things that you do not want in your new home anyway.

2. Get rid of any boxes you haven’t opened since your last move

You can assume that the contents of any boxes that have not been opened since the last time you moved are no longer needed.

3. All the food

The meal may be a bit strange, but it’s cheaper to eat all of the food you have in the pantry than to move the entire kitchen. Take stock of all the food in your freezer as well.

4. Arrange any donations

Don’t assume you can wait till the last minute and just drop your donated items off with no problems. Sometimes donation centers, like Goodwill, may be full and not accepting any donations at the time. Make calls as early as possible to find a new home for your items before moving day.

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5. You may need to hire movers

There are different levels of service, depending on the budget you have and how far you want to move. White-glove services, which include packing, moving, and unpacking all your possessions, are available. “Day of” movers will only focus on unloading and loading your moving truck.

6. Grab free boxes

Book boxes and liquor cases are the best free boxes to use for moving. These boxes are easy to handle by one person, and they can support a large amount of weight.

You can get a lot of quality boxes by asking your local grocery or liquor store if they have any that are getting thrown out. Your local bookshop manager may also have some boxes that you can pick up. Speak to the manager, and make sure you pick up your boxes on time and at the agreed date.

7. Free packing materials from Amazon

You can reduce the amount of moving materials you have to buy by stocking up your boxes, packing peanuts, craft paper, and air pockets before your move. If you buy a lot of items from Amazon and other online retailers, you receive shipping supplies on a regular basis. Start keeping these items a few months before your move to save money. If you wait too long, and your home sells quickly, you’ll miss out on this hack.

8. Color code your moves

Color code your boxes by room and you can quickly identify the right box when you unpack your moving truck. You can do this by buying different colored duct tape.

9. Clear packing bins are a good idea

Instead of cardboard boxes, you can pack some items in clear storage containers. These bins stack neatly and come with lids. They protect your items from moisture or water damage. Plus, you will have nice bins for storage at your new home.

10. Create an inventory list

You can use a spreadsheet to keep track of your possessions if you are using a moving service or moving long distances. This will help you with insurance. Don’t wait to start so that you don’t miss important items or rush!

Use these packing tips to make your move easier

11. Pack one room at a time

Most of the time, people just start packing randomly around the house. Put the boxes, bins and tape there in one room. Then, start your normal piles of donate, sell and keep, then move from one space to the next. It’s a great way to stay organized and once the room is cleaned, everyone can move on to the next.

12. Packing Timeblock

Start packing sooner. Instead of waiting until the weekend to start, dedicate between one and two hours per day. You’ll feel less fatigued, more organized, and less overwhelmed when you timeblock.

labeled moving boxes

13. Label your boxes on multiple sides

Applying labels on multiple sides of each box, whether you use pictures, numbers or names, as well as color-coded tapes, makes it easy to identify where the boxes belong once they are unloaded from the moving van.

14. Do not empty your drawers

Instead of emptying the dresser drawers and packing the contents in boxes, try this. Remove the drawers from the dresser and wrap the whole thing in plastic wrap. Then, place them back in the dresser once you’re in the new home. You can wrap the entire dresser (with the clothes in it) in plastic wrap if the dresser does not weigh too much to move.

15. Keep your clothes one the hanger

To move them, you can either wrap them up in large garbage bags or hang them inside a wardrobe box. These are available at U-Haul and other places that specialize in moving materials.

16. Use your towels, linens and other soft items

These can be used to cushion breakables. Socks can be used to cushion fragile items like lamps, vases and perfume bottles.

When packing your kitchen, use dish towels to wrap knives and other sharp items. This will protect both your blades as well as your hands. Rubber bands or packing tape can be used to secure the towels.

17. Pots can be used to store small items

Fill your large pots or other containers with lids with pantry items. Save money and space by saving space in boxes or avoiding them altogether.

18. Wrap products in plastic to prevent spillage

Use plastic wrap to seal the caps of open bottles. Liquids like soap, shampoo and cleaning products can spill during the move and can ruin clothes, furniture, and other packed items.

19. Take a photo of the back of electronics such as your TV, stereo and other electronic devices.

It’s very easy to forget the location of wires! Take a picture of your setup before you disassemble it. This will help you remember where the wires go when you arrive at your destination. And we recommend keeping the wires with the electronics they go to and label them.

20. Pack your books vertically

You can also orient the spines in the same way. So they can move from their box to the new shelf, without becoming disorganized.

21. Pack your dishes vertically

When packed horizontally they tend to break more often and take up more space.

vacuum sealed clothes

22. Your clothes will take up less space if you vacuum-seal them

No, you do not need special bags or a machine to make a vacuum-sealed bag. Use a vacuum cleaner and garbage bags to make a vacuum-sealed bag. This will save you space when moving.

Fill your garbage bag with clothing, sheets, towels, or bedding. Close the bag with your fist. Insert the vacuum cleaner into your fist to remove the air from the bag. Keep it there and turn it on until the bag stops shrinking. Tie the bag with a tight knot. This will result in a compact, tight package that is easy to move.

23. Do you own a foam mattress?

It is easier to move if you fold it in half, tie it (like a tortilla), and then carry it. Do not forget to place it first in a mattress moving bag!

24. Do not leave all cleaning to the last day

Just like you shouldn’t wait till you list your home to do certain updates, you should not wait until the last day to do all the cleaning. You can deep-clean your fridge, oven and bathrooms several days before the moving day to avoid a lengthy cleaning list once the boxes have been removed.

On moving day

25. Sort boxes by area

It’s easier to unload the boxes at your destination if you keep them grouped together by room or area.

26. First, load the biggest items into the truck

Start with the sofa, washer and dryer and fridge (if you’re bringing it with you). Next, move onto dressers, desks, and beds. Fill in any gaps between furniture with boxes.

27. Pack a cooler

Fill it up with items that are easy to grab, such as fruit, granola bars, water bottles and sandwiches, in order to keep your energy levels high. Keep it in your car to have quick access when you are hungry or thirsty.

28. Get a nice hotel

If you are moving far, stay in a hotel that is more expensive and located farther away from the highway. Thieves love to target U-Hauls parked at hotels next to the highway exit. Also, the higher the quality of the hotel, the better it is for security. Plus, these hotels will have better beds. And after a hard day of moving, getting a good night’s sleep is imperative.

Unpacking is the next step

29. Begin with the bed

Ensure that everyone can sleep comfortably and cleanly at the end of a long day. It is particularly important to do this if you are moving with children.

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30. Continue with the kitchen

You will feel a great sense of accomplishment when this challenging room is done. Then, you can focus on areas that are easier to pack up.

31. Give yourself a deadline

It’s easy to ignore some of the boxes after moving in. You can easily shove the last dozen or so into a closet, basement, or attic to avoid thinking about them. Schedule a get-together where you have to unpack everything. This will give you a deadline to meet and keep yourself motivated.

32. Timeblock your unpacking

Pace yourself by scheduling the unpacking for one to two hours per day during the first ten days. Consistency is key!

33. For procrastinators: dump a box in your bath or on your bed

This is a great way to get rid of clutter. You have to finish putting those things away in order to go to bed or to take a shower.

34. Clean and recycle as you unpack

Keep your area clean and tidy. Cleaning up and breaking down boxes as you unpack, will help you be more efficient (and not go insane). Seeing the room start to clear up can also be a huge motivator.

35. Want a quick buck? Sell your boxes on Facebook Marketplace

As you end your journey, others begin theirs. Don’t throw your boxes in the recycle bin. Instead, sell them to the person who is moving next.